A Couple of Days on the Cape...
Michael arrived here Wednesday morning and we put the ladder racks on the van, loaded up a 36' ladder... then discovered that Michael didn't realise that I was planning to stay overnight. He wandered back home to make amends with his girlfriend... something about forgetting her birthday. I headed to the Cape and met Paul at the house... unloaded the van and went to lunch, then to rent a power washer and get some other supplies. Cold and raining, turning into late afternoon, we decided to get things set up to start in the morning. A couple of pints at the pub then back for TV and an early night.
The machine started swell and we had most of the back scrubbed and washed by the time Michael arrived. On to the side when about 3/4 through we ran out of gas... filled it back up but couldn't get the thing going again. Took it apart, put it back together... still no go. Loaded it into the van, returned it (no charge since it crapped out) and found another. This one worked fine accross the front but started to act up around the last side. Stalling out, difficult to start and then running about 20 minutes before it crapped out again. We were cold, wet and tired but determined to finish. Finally got it done and I tried to return the thing so that we could go home. Arrived at the store with a "closed" sign on the door... but the employees just leaving.
"Can I return this power washer?"
"Nah, come back in the morning, we've just turned the alarm on."
The bastards.
Back to the house... the guys had cleaned everything up and we hung out for a bit. Michael headed back, but Paul was staying. Paul was intent on eating some big hunk of meat for supper and I wasn't... I had him drop me at an Irish pub, where they charged me $5.75 for a pint of Guinness !!! Hell, I pay $4 at the Plough and only $5 when I'm in NY... and this is off season!
Anyway, went to bed and got up the next morning... cleaned up after ourselves, returned the rig and headed home. Small job in the afternoon and I stopped in at the Plough.
Today, I did a couple of deliveries in the morning and assisted with a presentation in the afternoon. Tomorrow is an estimate in the morning... then my usual crossword puzzle at the Plough. Monday we head back down to the Cape with a bigger crew, hoping to get this thing done quick.
With a bigger crew there might be better stories...