Monday, December 07, 2009

One of Those Days

Of course, this has been busy times...
the usual wrestling with life.
Painting our wretched little bathroom after water damage from above.
Once we'd taken it apart we realised that we really didn't want to
reinstall the old medicine cabinet and bought a new one.
Things like that.

As always a stop in at the Plough at the end of the day...
Trust me! It supports my sanity. Good, creative banter with good friends.

Today was a rough one, though.
The van wouldn't start. (I know that I go on about my vehicles, but they are essential to my livelihood)
Got it towed around the corner and Syl generously offered me the use of her car for the job I was doing.
When I got to the framers to pick up there was a 65"x78" (160.5 cm x 190.8cm) painting
that I hadn't remembered
. Wasn't going to fit in her car! Wouldn't have fit in my van !!!
So I rented a van... and luckily got the art consultant to pay for it.
The installation was somewhat difficult. The walls were a chocolate brown with a very high gloss.
It was like trying to make a mark on glass with a pencil. I acqired some painters tape and was able
to plot the marks on that. It all went well, just a little more than it should have been.

In the mean time, I'd accidentally double booked tomorrow and had to get that sorted.
Happily, it wasn't a BIG problem.
They didn't get to working on my van today, so I've kept the rental overnight.
This is for a corporate presentation and I'll be glad that I have it...
(already got this other art consultant to cover the cost).

Hell, I'm just trying to make a meager living, here.