Friday, October 22, 2004

And the Week Goes By...

Pretty much a normal (abnormal) week of work. Several presentations with an art consultant. Load up the van, drive it over to the client, unwrap things, hold them to the wall as the art consultant tries to flog them off to the client, wrap them back up again and return to the point of origin. One nasty installation job... they wanted the work hung by cable from a picture rail... never works as nice as one would like, the pictures always lean forward. Posh house that was... with several decorators or such worrying over the color of the cables. Lots of driving around to different job sites... delivering ladders, paint and searching for odd bits of hardware. Dealt with a painting that needed to be shipped to Arizona. After wrapping it myself I decided to give it to a shipper rather than build a crate...good that I did as the crate would have been too big for UPS or FedEx. Just an active week of work.
The Red Sox got into the World Series... and that poor girl got killed in the celebration. Stupid, that. We won... what's the point of violence ??? Glad I wasn't living in the Fenway for that. (I did live there for a year, about 5-6 years ago.Let's see what the weekend brings.


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