Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturdays Errands

Let's see...
A few trips downstairs for laundry, typed out a bill, post office, bank and package store. Then we were off to the Farmer's market at Union Square, the grocery store and dry cleaners. Home to put away the loot, then off to Allston. Lunch at a Vietnamese place. Across the street to the thrift store... no sweaters (jumpers) for me... all too big. Sylvia found a couple of items for herself and we bought two cheap chairs for the front porch (since we're not smoking indoors we needed something a bit civilized, but wouldn't matter if it was stolen). Home again, then I'm off to the Plough...
Three artists drawing on beer mats... tales of bicycle thievery, sick kids and junked cars. Closing at 5:30 for a private function (Passim's 65th... but Passim doesn't have a liquor license and they only do vegetarian... Passim started as Club 47 and early on had Joan Baez, Dylan and that sort on the stage). The regulars at the Plough held on until we were literally run out. Actually, I think we all stayed longer than we'd planned, in order to be run out.
Still just reporting.


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