Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ah, the Art World...

Today started out slow, I didn't sleep well last night.
Spent a little time painting in the morning and then it was off on an emergency art delivery (perhaps I should mount flashing lights on the roof of the van).
I got the call just yesterday, "can you deliver two pieces to Hamilton and pick one up in Rockport tomorrow?" (about 3 hours of pick up, driving and delivery) I say "yes" because I'm broke. No real excitement... can't get a late lunch in Rockport because everything is closed for the season.
Back into town to attend Stephen Mishol's opening. Good to see him, we used to work together. (he's gone on to teach at UMass Lowell) Found out that Todd McKie also had a reception up the street so I went and said "Hi" to him. Jeremy Foss (one of my art shool instructors) was there with a few paintings on the wall... so spent a few minutes with him. Pressed the flesh with a few other artist aquaintences... one small plastic glass of the cheap wine for me. I did my round of letting people know that I still exist, (and yes, I'm still painting and making art). I buggered out and went home, where I painted for a few more hours.
Dreadful time trying to e-mail an image to Stephen. It got done.
You can probably Google these names to get an idea of what I was looking at.


Blogger Roger Stevens said...

Yeah. A light that flashes lots of colours. That would be good.

Just popping in to visit. Have been a bit lax on the blog of late. Too many other things going on.

Hey ho. Pity we missed you when you came over. Next time we must meet up!

11:37 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Thanks for stopping by.
Yes, sorry we missed you.
We DID see an inspiring video of you performing in the front room of a certain Cheshire residence.
Next time we hope to be in the "live" audience.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Wastedpapiers said...

I would have liked to have seen that too as we live quite close to Cheshire.

2:25 AM  

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