So, We're off to the UK...
Amazing, the amount of details we have to tie up in order to go away for 10 days.
Change some money... frightening that...2$ to 1£ !!!!
Set up my painting guys for the 2 weeks.
Packing and sorting out the homestead.So... we're ready to go...
Meeting Paul (ARTNAPHRO) at the National Portrait Gallery, stay a couple of nights with Michael, Hazel and Archie in Cheshire, then down to see Big Al Davies in Wales.
Should be a good trip.
I'm going to have to get back into the blog of things once we're back...
Tell about our trip and recommence to tell the everyday...
Little did he know! So sorry you were so poorly for most of your trip Jon. We hope you have recovered from bug and jet lag etc. We enjoyed having you stay.
Michael... it was great seeing you guys. Sorry you had to put up with a semi-invalid. The stomach is STILL not quite right, although I can eat.
I'll get around to writing here soon...
Glad you are feeling a bit better Jonathan - quite a nasty bug you had there!
Just off to a bootsale in a mo. if the rain doesnt start again. This is the penultimate of the year probably so better make the most of it!
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