Monday, August 02, 2004

And Monday Comes Around

Got out fairly early today... starting a new job.
I had 4 out of the 5 guys that were supposed to be there (inculding me).
Got final instructions, a check and a key from the new owner.
Started prepping things and a couple of the other guys started painting the few ceilings that we're doing. They were about to run out of paint so I headed out tothe paint store and loaded up on all sorts of supplies. Got back and atemy lunch, then started in priming the doors and trim that needed it. We were getting that pretty much in order... running out of places to go, so Michael and I decided to paint the walls in the Master Bedroom. Took us about 45 minutes. Stephen and Michael wanted to stay a little later (as they'd rolled in late) and started in on another bedroom, while Paul and I cleaned up. Off to the Plough, where the usual suspects were encamped. Must've been something in the air, as we were all very witty and spent a lot of time laughing at each other. Home to find Sylvia asleep on the couch. That's all I have to say for now.


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